This volume focuses on the major basic shapes C, A, G, E and D. The five shapes are the basis for everything you do on the guitar. Starting with the major scale, you will learn how triads and shapes are created.
Once you have learned the shapes and are able to play a
few songs with them, you can use the „fill-me-up“ method to learn major pentatonic scales, major arpeggios, and the major scale. The „Fill-me-up method“ always refers to one of the five shapes, only sounds are addedto a shape.
Whether you‘re familiar with the staff, harmony, or reading music or not, you‘ll find clarity on the fretboard and inspiration for your guitar playing here.
Metal, hip hop, jazz, jazz or children‘s songs: the harmonic basics and thus the structure of the chords and the scales are always the same. The techniques and sounds differ, the theory of harmony and the architecture of the guitar are identical.
This book is a workbook. Each of the exercises is intended to contribute to a deeper understanding of the CAGED system. For this reason, it is important to do the exercises long enough to be able to play them without thinking.
This book is not a harmony textbook. However, all chapters and exercises are explained with the help of the
theory of harmony and transferred to the fretboard.
Much is explained graphically and with reference to the
five basic shapes. It lets you play guitar intuitively, by ear, and have fun.
Classic harmony textbooks explain connections with
notes, partly on the keyboard. This book tries to fill this
gap. Harmonic connections are made visible on the guitar‘ s fretboard.
After studying this volume you will also be able to better
understand tablature as rhythm guitar and lead guitar
can always be traced back to the CAGED Basic Shapes.
The goal for guitarists should be to see notes and connections on the fretboard and thus to read the fretboard. In this way, after some practice, one can save oneself from thinking and can make music with hearing and feeling.